Monday, November 22, 2010

Nothing says out of place like a blonde in Chile.

I can't believe this is finally here. I have been planning my trip to Chile for months and now it's less than four days away. I even picked up my plane tickets today. I guess I can't back out now, not that I would even want to. Anyway, here's the plan: Friday at 5 p.m. I will board the plane in Columbus and fly to Atlanta. By 8:30 p.m. I will be on my way to Santiago, Chile, where I will arrive Saturday morning around 8 a.m. (though I'm not entirely sure if that's Eastern Standard or Chilean time). Chilean time is 2 hours behind Eastern Standard, by the way.

After spending the weekend in Santiago, we will be traveling to Valdivia where we will meet our host families. We will spend the rest of the time there but will sight see on the weekends. We have some amazing excursions planned. Personally, I cannot wait to go ziplining. Other than that, I'm ready to try some Chilean food and hit some discotecs.

One thing I know for sure is that I am going to stick out like crazy. My blonde hair and fair skin will sharply contrast the dark complexions of everyone else there. Getting all the attention I am bound to get will probably be exciting for approximately five minutes. I'm probably going to be ready to dye my hair brown by the second day. Well, nothing says out of place like a blonde in Chile. Maybe I will try to convince people that I am a model or movie star in the United States. That could be good for some free food if nothing else.

Now I have to start packing. The first item on my list is a metric ton of sunscreen. Contrary to popular belief, I have absolutely no desire to look like a tomato. Unfortunately, sun burns are inevitable for me. It doesn't really matter, though. My pink nose and abundance of freckles will be a testament to my month in Chile.

This is my first and last post from the United States. Keep reading because my next post will be from Chile. I'll see you there!


  1. Good Luckie Blondie!!!

    God go with you!!! We love you so much xoxoxox

    Love Mom & Mark

  2. Hi Lauren,

    This blog is a great idea. Enjoy yourself, what a great experience this is for you. If they don't buy the actress thing, just remind them you are a MIP! And remember the survivors book tips.....Be safe!

    We will see you soon. Miss you.

    Dad, Anne and Mario
